Sound design

Titanium Sound

Sound designer, sound generator and sound identities

Sound projects related to the image

TitaniumSound creates sound identities from Euphones, rare pieces or prototypes deconstructed after sound capture, for image-related sound projects.

Contact us for this very specific part which associates in real time the workshop and the making of your sounds with the recording studio next to it!

A few references

  • Ubisoft
  • Hype Energy
  • Louis Vuitton
  • Hermès Paris
  • Laborigins - Spectacles de l'esprit
  • Atelier Tuffery
  • Antwerp - World Diamond Centre
  • Bain et Company
  • Siemens - Ingenuity for life
  • Nokia - Connecting People
  • EADS - European Aeronautic Defence and Space company

Latest news23/04/2024


Let's stay connected !


Tel : +33 (0)9 73 88 43 94
E-mail :